問我先生喜歡甚麼口味的cupcake, 巧克力, 這還需要問嗎? 那喜歡哪一種口味的icing, 巧克力, 感覺自己真的是白問了, 只要是甜點, 口味選巧克力就對了, 家有chocoholic
首次試作chocolate cupcake, 選了我信任的Ina Garten's recipe, Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes
喔...果然一試便成功, 美味得讓我先生得制止他自己一個接一個地往嘴裡塞
我做了自製的巧克力漿, 很是美味, 嚐起來不會過甜, 由於原食譜用了16oz的市售巧克力漿, 對我們而言, 這實在是過於甜蜜的負擔, 所以我只用了2/3在batter中, 另1/3則作為icing, 堪稱一舉兩得之作
我的巧克力漿配方約 16oz --- 1792 cals
12 discs of unsweetened baking chocolate (2 oz) --- 360 cals
16 tablespoons semisweet chocolate chips (8 oz) --- 1280 cals
4 tablespoons milk (2 oz) --- 40 cals
2 tablespoons Baileys (1 oz) --- 100 cals [326 cals/100ml]
1 tablespoon Puccino Cappuccino (0.5 oz) --- 12 cals
4 tablespoons expresso coffee (2 oz)
隔水加熱, 攪拌均勻即成
我先生認為之前吃的cupcakes, 好吃是好吃, 長相不夠"膨"
所以, Nov172011加了1/2 tsp baking powder在麵糊裡, cupcakes長大許多, 搞得跟香菇一樣, 這下我先生應該滿意了吧! 看樣子是, 馬上兩顆下肚了
Dec032011 幫它們做個紀錄, 就知道大小差多少了
可作12 cupcakes --- 3152 cals ( 約 263 cals/ a cupcake)
1/4 pound unsalted butter, at room temperature --- 800 cals
1 cup sugar --- 240 cals
4 extra-large eggs, at room temperature --- 320 cals
16 fluid ounces my homemade chocolate syrup 1792 cals
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour --- 240 cals
1 teaspoon instant coffee granules
做法 :
預熱烤箱為 325度F (約163度C), 將杯子蛋糕的紙杯放入杯子蛋糕烤盤中備用
室溫下軟化後的無鹽奶油加糖, 利用電動攪拌拌打至顏色泛白
加入蛋拌打, 一次一顆, 利用電動攪拌拌打至蓬鬆
加入2/3 自製巧克力糖漿和香草精
篩入中筋麵粉和1/2 tsp baking powder, 用拌刀拌勻即可
325度F, 烤30分鐘, 用竹籤插入杯子 蛋糕中心, 竹籤上未沾黏蛋糕, 表示烘烤完畢
烤畢, 從烤箱中取出, 杯子蛋糕置於烤盤中降溫至少半小時
降溫完畢後的杯子蛋糕再抹上巧克力糖漿, 靜置至少半小時使糖衣硬化, 勿放於冰箱中冷藏
杯子蛋糕材料 (可製作12個) :
1/4 磅 (1條或是113公克) 無鹽奶油, 置於室溫下軟化, 約一小時
1 杯 (180公克)白砂糖
4 顆 特級大顆蛋 (每顆約重 60公克), 置於室溫下回溫
16 盎司(約454公克) Hershey's 巧克力糖漿
1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 香草精
1 杯(120公克) 中筋麵粉
1 茶匙(5公克) 即溶咖啡
杯子蛋糕做法 :
預熱烤箱為 325度F (約163度C), 將杯子蛋糕的紙杯放入杯子蛋糕烤盤中備用
無鹽奶油加糖, 利用電動攪拌器拌打至顏色泛白
加入蛋拌打, 一次一顆, 利用電動攪拌拌打至蓬鬆
篩入中筋麵粉和即溶咖啡粉, 用拌刀拌勻即可
325度F (約163度C), 烤30分鐘, 用竹籤插入杯子 蛋糕中心, 竹籤上未沾黏蛋糕, 表示烘烤完畢
烤畢, 從烤箱中取出, 杯子蛋糕置於烤盤中降溫, 至少半小時
降溫完畢後的杯子蛋糕再抹上要作成糖衣的巧克力糖漿, 靜置至少半小時使巧克力糖漿硬化成糖衣, 勿放於冰箱冷藏
製作巧克力糖漿, 材料 :
1/2 杯 (118公克) 動物性鮮奶油
8 盎司(226公克) 半甜巧克力豆
1/2 茶匙 (2.5公克) 即溶咖啡粉
製作巧克力糖漿, 做法 :
隔水加熱鮮奶油, 巧克力豆和即溶咖啡粉, 不定時攪拌至完全融合在一起
Ina Garten's recipe, Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes
Yield:12 cupcakes
1/4 pound unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
4 extra-large eggs, at room temperature
16 fluid ounces Hershey's chocolate syrup
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon instant coffee granules
For the ganache:
1/2 cup heavy cream
8 ounces good semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 teaspoon instant coffee granules
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Line a muffin pan with paper liners.
Cream the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, 1 at a time. Mix in the chocolate syrup and vanilla. Add the flour and coffee granules and mix until just combined. Don't overbeat, or the cupcakes will be tough.
Scoop the batter into the muffin cups and bake for 30 minutes, or until just set in the middle. Don't overbake! Let cool thoroughly in the muffin pan.
For the ganache, cook the heavy cream, chocolate chips, and instant coffee in the top of a double boiler over simmering water until smooth and warm, stirring occasionally.
Dip the tops of the cupcakes into the ganache. Do not refrigerate.