
Dec092011 One cent-1952-2000-2010  

左邊那一枚年紀比我大的硬幣, 1952年, 跟我媽同年齡

正面沒什麼不同, 除了年份, 但是反面就長得不一樣, 所以他們也興"改版"這種玩意

E pluribus unum

「合眾為一」(拉丁語:E pluribus unum,英語:Out of Many, One)是美國國徽上的格言之一,出現在國徽的正面。該格言由皮埃爾-尤金·迪西默蒂埃(Pierre Eugene du Simitiere)提議,於1776年被加入美國國徽,並於1782年經國會法案決議採用。「合眾為一」最先出現在一首名為《Moretum》的詩歌當中,相傳該詩為維吉爾(Publius Vergilius Maro)所作,但他可能並非真正的作者。在詩歌中,「color est e pluribus unus」描述了將各種顏色混為一色。


E pluribus unum (pronounced /ˈiː ˈplʊərɨbəs ˈuːnəm/; Latin [ˈeː ˈpluːrɪbʊs ˈuːnũː]), Latin for "Out of many, one", is a phrase on the Seal of the United States, along with Annuit cœptis and Novus ordo seclorum, and adopted by an Act of Congress in 1782.[1] The phrase is similar to a Latin translation of a variation of Heraclitus's 10th fragment, "The one is made up of all things, and all things issue from the one." A variant of the phrase was used in Moretum, a poem attributed to Virgil but with the actual author unknown. In the poem text, color est e pluribus unus describes the blending of colors into one. St Augustine used a variant of the phrase, ex pluribus unum, in his Confessions. At the time of the American Revolution, the exact phrase appeared prominently on the title page of a popular periodical, The Gentleman's Magazine,[2][3][4] which collected articles from many sources into one "magazine". The motto was suggested in 1776 to the committee responsible for the developing the seal by Pierre Eugene du Simitiere.


    one cent coin

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