
Nov102012 sesame oil chicken black rice 麻油雞紫米飯  

sesame oil chicken black rice 麻油雞紫米飯

紫色的雞肉, 哈哈哈


2 Tbsps sesame oil

6 slices of ginger

2 Tbsps rce wine

1/4 cup black rice

1/2 cup water

1 chicken thigh, marinaded

1 chicken leg, marinaded

1 chicken wing, marinaded


中火熱鍋, 加入麻油, 熱15秒, 再加入薑片, 煎至薑片略乾, 約5分鐘

加入醃過的雞肉, 煎過各個面, 約3分鐘

加入米酒, 煮開

加入紫米和水, 煮開後, 加蓋, 將爐火轉成小小火(simmer), 燉煮1小時後即成


marinad ingredients:

1/2 cup soy sauce

3/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup rice vinegar

1/4 cup water

2 Tbsps sesame oil

1/2 Tbsp ginger, minced

1/2 Tbsp garlic, chopped

1/2 Tbsp green onion, chopped

1 tsp dried red chili flakes

6 slices of pummelo peel or any citrus fruit peel (optional)








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